Wednesday, August 8, 2007

How Car Accident Lawyers Can Help You

Car accident lawyers can be your personal savior in times of crises. If you have been a victim of a car accident or subject to a claim for wrongful or negligent driving, a car accident lawyer can help guide you through the legal minefield and clarify your personal standing. Due to the growing complexity of motor law, separate state law jurisdictions and the ambiguity and complexity of insurance policies, a car accident lawyer can be your personal shield form aggressive insurance company representatives.

One of the most common experiences of individuals who have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, and who are entitled to compensation, is low initial offers. Car insurance personnel are adept at minimizing payouts by using delay tactics, attacking weak evidence and placing doubt into their victims over the right to entitlement. Intimidation tactics are part and process of the negotiation protocols they follow. Procuring the services of an experience and qualified auto insurance lawyer can shield you from this process. Not only will they protect your rights, they will be skilled to negotiate on your behalf to secure a better payout. Insurance companies who face the challenge of dealing with qualified personnel are more likely to be forthcoming with a superior offer out of respect and knowing full well the lawyer is aware of the common tactics used by insurance companies.

In cases where the victim has suffered emotional distress, physical injury or a debilitating injury that has resulted in loss of income or future earnings, car accident lawyers will possess the necessary expertise to mount and pursue a case. In some cases where the victims have limited knowledge of the law, the potential avenues for legal recourse remain unknown. Trying to determine the best course of action and knowing all the options can be very difficult for the layman who has no legal knowledge. By using the services of suitably qualified personnel, the avenues open to you will be fully examined and it is most likely you will be provided with a superior outcome.

Most legal firms provide free initial consultations. By making the necessary enquiries to secure an appointment, victims can present their case and determine the best course of action. The fees payable are not always required to be paid upfront. Some lawyers operate on a percentage of settlement or the fees are not paid until the case settlement takes place.

Get the necessary advice and peace of mind you need. Hire a car accident lawyer if you require specialized auto accident advice.

Andrew Winthorp is a freelance writer for Car Accident Lawyer Learn more about how car accident lawyers can help you.

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Thursday, August 2, 2007

Car Accident Fatalities

Traffic accidents are very common occurrences in today's world. In the United States, there were more than 6.3 million police-reported in 2004 that involved the use of motor vehicles. Of all those reported accidents, nearly a third of those resulted in injury, with less than one percent of total crashes resulting in a fatality.

Contributing Factors

In over 40 percent of crashes involving a fatality, alcohol was a contributing factor. However, during the hours of 12:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m., nearly 77 percent of fatal crashes involved alcohol use. Most of the car accidents occur on Saturdays and Sundays during these times. This three-hour period has proved to be the deadliest period all day.

Accidents involving fatalities do not necessarily mean that it involved another vehicle. Nearly 57 percent of all fatal crashes involved only one vehicle. One-vehicle accidents are the most common type of accidents in which someone needs medical assistance. Nearly 30 percent of all accidents reported to the police did not involve another vehicle.

Speed is another factor when dealing with crash fatalities. More than half of all fatal crashes occurred on roads with posted speed limits of over 55 mph. While only 20 percent of crashes that occurred on these roads were "property-damage-only" crashes.


Victims in a fatal car crash are commonly children under the age of 15. The most surprising part of it is that these children are not necessarily inside the vehicle during the accident. Over 80 percent of the children under the age of 15 that were victims of an auto accident who died were either pedestrians or pedal cyclists who were struck by drunk drivers. In fact, nearly 20 percent of all children killed were victims of alcohol-related crashes.

Car Crash provides detailed information on Car Crash, Drunk Driving Car Crash, Fatal Car Crashes, Car Crash Articles and more. Car Crash is affiliated with Car Accident Lawsuits.

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